1. Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini To Edit Video
  2. Mac Windows
  3. Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini A Good Photoshop Machine
  4. Mac Mini Win7
  5. Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini Ports
  6. Macbook Pro Win 10
  1. Nov 10, 2018 Read our Apple Mac Mini (2018) review to find out. Back to Menu Search. Because the benchmark we use to test Windows machines does not support MacOS. But the game looked like a PlayStation.
  2. 2018-12-23  My 2018 Mac Mini too has BT connectivity issues out of the box. Applecare made me go through all the software check steps - reset SMC, D startup, delete p-list, test user, malware test etc - to nought. Was told to set up a hardware check with Apple store as a last resort.
With a little work you can turn your Mac mini into a powerful Windows gaming system. So why not?

Jul 05, 2017 Boot Camp is the best way to run a Windows-only PC game on your Mac. Macs don’t come with Windows, but you can install Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp and reboot into Windows whenever you want to play these games. This allows you to run Windows games at the same speeds they’d run at on a Windows PC laptop with the same hardware.

I just heard something: A tectonic eruption of eye-rolling from PC gamers. Look, if you've got a custom rig with Nvidia Titan hardware and 4K displays to run Crysis 3 in ridiculous mode, move along. There's nothing for you here. If, on the other hand, you already have a Mac mini, or if you've been thinking about getting one but think it's underpowered for gaming, what I have to say may surprise you.

One of my kids wanted to play Windows games that weren't available on the Mac. He can certainly play plenty of games that are out for the Mac, but most stuff still isn't out for the Mac. That's not going to change. Apple accepts that, otherwise they wouldn't provide you with the Boot Camp Assistant utility to begin with.

Our victim is a 2010-era Mac mini. That's the last Mac mini model to sport a built-in SuperDrive. It has Nvidia GeForce 320M integrated graphics. Not as fast as the average gamer GPU card in a custom-built PC, granted. But enough to run a lot of games at acceptable frame rates.

It may surprise you, but the Mac mini is an adept little Windows gaming system. Its graphics speed can't compare to a dedicated gaming rig, but it doesn't have to. Because while it spends some of its time running Windows, it's also a great general purpose Mac running the latest version of Mavericks.

Better at Windows games than Mac games

Whatever Mac mini you use will probably run Windows games faster than it is does Mac games. Windows graphics tend to run faster than OS X graphics do on the same hardware, thanks to more extensive Windows driver optimization and underlying differences in the way the OSes are structured.

It took a few afternoons to get everything squared away. This Mac's been well used since it was new, and its drive partition didn't pass muster with Boot Camp Assistant. Once Drive Utility patched things up I was able to get started.

I used Windows 7, which has broad game support and is available in Home Premium trim for $99 or less from online retailers.

The alternatives

Running Mac games natively and exclusively is always an option. There are a lot of good games on the Mac, games that will run well or decently on the Mac mini. They're available from the Mac App Store, Steam, MacGameStore.com and elsewhere.

If you're looking for a Windows game experience but are reluctant to have to reboot your Mac each time to do it, you can install software that bridges the Windows gap.

VMware Fusion and Parallels Desktop get the lion's share of attention, partly because they broad appeal for Mac users who also want to run business software and specialty apps that won't run on OS X natively. Both continue to optimize their releases for the broadest and fastest driver support they can.

CodeWeavers' CrossOver is worth a special look from gamers. It's optimized for games, and unlike the other two or Boot Camp, doesn't require you to have a Windows license.

Putting the pedal to the medal

How well does it actually run, you ask?

A lot of it depends on the individual performance requirements of the game. Obviously some games employ enormously sophisticated 3D engines that want more horsepower than the Mac mini can muster. Many don't, and the relatively modest integrated graphics in the mini are perfectly sufficient to play them.

If you keep your expectations realistic, you can usually tweak settings and resolutions enough to get a really playable experience. For many games, that's frame rates of 20 to 30 frames per second; for others, it's even higher, with higher levels of detail possible.

I've played a combination of FPS, strategy and RPG games on our little Mac mini, and it's held up well. My 14 year old has been pretty happy; he's been dividing his time between various Steam games he couldn't play on the Mac and other fare; a particular favorite is Smite, a multiplayer online battle arena strategy game from Hi-Rez Studios. He also says that old favorites he could play on the Mac, like Valve's own Team Fortress 2, subjectively run better on Windows than on OS X.

Military simulation games for mac. Use of Browser Cookies: Functions on this site such as Search, Login, Registration Forms depend on the use of 'Necessary Cookies'.

Game on windows with 2018 mac mini reviews

The bottom line

I'm never going to ditch my Mac in favor of a Windows PC — I prefer the Mac user experience to the Windows user experience, that's all there is to it. But I can't dispute that there are a lot of fun Windows games to be played, and I'm grateful that Apple's made it easy to equip my Mac as a Windows PC.

As much as I love Sony and Microsoft's game consoles, they're just that — game consoles. The greatest thing about using a Mac for Windows gaming is that you're still using a Mac at the end of the day.

Game on windows with 2018 mac mini specs

Tune back in tomorrow as I walk you through installing Boot Camp yourself. In the interim, I'm curious to see what you think: Have you set up Windows using Boot Camp Assistant? Are you tempted to?


Apple is now redirecting (PRODUCT)RED purchases to COVID‑19 relief fund

Now through September 30, Apple is redirecting 100% of a portion of (PRODUCT)RED purchases to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 Response.


By William Gallagher
Friday, November 09, 2018, 11:22 am PT (02:22 pm ET)

While the 2018 Mac mini is remarkably powerful and remarkably good value for what it does, you can't call it inexpensive. Now that it's been launched, however, there is an argument for Apple to do something to make it more affordable for education and for the now seemingly-abandoned switcher market.

Apple's Wheels for the Mind logo atop an 2018 Mac mini

No question, the new Mac mini is a tremendous machine and if we'd all like it to be cheaper, well, that's the case with nearly everything Apple has ever done. This time, though, there is a way that Apple could reduce the price of this model for some markets that it isn't serving well at present.
Those markets do include Switchers. The original Mac mini was squarely aimed at Windows users who'd yet to see the light and weren't going to while Apple computers were so expensive. By cutting down to the essentials and expecting people to provide their own keyboard, mouse and monitor, Apple served a significant market with a significant machine.
Today the Switcher market may not be key in the way in once was, but Apple still needs new users and the Mac mini is still the cheapest route in. The cheapest MacBook you can buy is an old MacBook Air for $999 but that's hardly machine enough to get people hooked on the range.
That means you have to spend $1,199 at least for a MacBook and then you're heading toward the $1,400 or so that you'd need for an iMac.
Compared to them, the Mac mini is a steal even at $799. Except new users won't be comparing it to the iMac and the MacBooks, they'll still be comparing them to Windows machines. On paper, Windows wins but even people have direct experience of Macs and know their longer-term worth, still budgets regularly force them to take the cheapest option.
Apple's already lost the education market to Chromebooks for this reason and precisely this reason alone.
Which is a shame because Apple used to have a strong grip on education —and that's the other market we think it should and could aim a $499 Mac mini at.

Education, education, education

Despite its thoroughly earned reputation for only selling the most expensive devices, you can still take your pick from half a dozen times that Apple has reduced costs for education.

Apple's eMate

Steve Jobs told the Smithsonian Institute in 1995 that 'one of the things that built Apple II was schools buying [them].'
He talked about the impact a single computer terminal had made on him and how he wanted the same thing for everybody. 'We wanted to donate a computer to every school in America,' he said. 'It turns out that there about a hundred thousand schools we couldn't afford that as a company.'
However, Apple found that there was an existing law that said if you donate a computer to a university then you get a tax deduction.
'That basically means you don't make any money, you lose some but you don't lose too much,' said Jobs. 'You lose about ten percent. We could give a hundred thousand computers away, one to each school and it would cost our company ten million dollars.'
He accepted that this was a lot of money to Apple at the time and added that 'it was less than a hundred million dollars. We decided that we were willing to do that.'

It didn't work nationally. However, it did in California —Jobs says that the state passed a bill giving this tax break and so Apple ended up giving away 10,000 computers to schools.
That's still impressive, but compare it to the original plan. Apple in the early 1980s was willing to spend 10 million dollars to help education. Now, doubtlessly there was the awareness that the computer you use in school is the computer you're going to want to buy afterwards but that's one thing that hasn't changed.
If Apple can get its machines into people's hands, they tend to like them and they tend to stay as buyers.
So here's option one: take the new 2018 Mac mini, cut down some of the premium components, and cut $300 off it. They could sell over 33,000 Mac minis at a loss and not exceed what the company was willing to spend nearly four decades ago.
With inflation, $10 million in about 1981 is worth around $27 million today so Apple could actually subsidize 90,000 Mac minis and be ahead of the game.

It won't

Scenario one isn't going to happen the way that Jobs spelled it out, and if it did, then you know there would be much greater demand for these cheaper educational Mac minis than 90,000.
However, this '80s education plan wasn't some one-off idea of Apple's, it was the start of what the company continued with the eMac in 2002.
Or then there's the way Apple presented a cheaper version of the Apple Pencil for education. It wasn't an Apple product, it was the Logitech Crayon, but it was front-and-center in an Apple presentation just this March and it was exclusively for education.

Logitech Crayon

Or in that same presentation, Apple gave education users an iCloud storage boost. Instead of the 5GB we all get as owners of Apple devices, students and teachers were to get 200GB free.

Whisky bottle economics

Or say Apple does not take a hit for selling a lower-cost Mac mini with the same specs into education. Say it produces a new one that is specifically for this market and which it can afford to release for $499 without discounts. As much as we like the processors options, the RAM and the storage in the new Mac mini, Apple could reduce each of them. If it did that, you can bet that a cheaper Mac mini would go the same route as the eMac and the eMate and the Logitech Crayon —it would start as an education-only product and soon become available to all.
This is where the cost of manufacturing is an issue, though, and that's one point we can't realistically begin to guess about. That doesn't stop anybody from trying, though, and especially so when there are key areas that we know are potential cost savings.
Such as Thunderbolt 3. There might well be K-12 schools that would like Thunderbolt 3, but there's surely none that need it on every unit in the building. Similarly, PCI-e NVMe storage could still be replaced by slower options —like the flash cells in the sixth generation iPad we mentioned before.
There's not a compelling need for a ton of storage per machine, because networking and user spaces on that network are prevalent, and easy to access. Or, they can even use Google services, if need be.
The trouble with this argument is that it assumes parts can easily be removed from a whole with a 50 percent reduction in capacity also reducing cost by 50 percent. Nonetheless, the reverse is true: each of these parts costs money.
So there is surely a sweet spot somewhere between options for expandability and essentials for running. We might be underselling what schools want but we think we're right about what they need and Apple could provide it —which is another way of saying that Apple isn't providing it now.

Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini To Edit Video

Again and probably forever, we like this new Mac mini and it's great that Apple has made it.

There is just scope to do more for education and specifically to do more with a lower-priced version right now.

Mac Windows

If not now

We're not going to say that if Apple fails to produce a cheaper Mac mini now that it's going to cede control of more than the education market. We'd like to see it bring out such a Mac and we can see that delays hurt, but there is something else that waiting could bring Apple.
It could bring the end of Intel. More than that, it's looking increasingly likely that Intel will exit stage left the same way that the PowerPC did before it. So many signs point to Apple replacing Intel processors with ones of its own design that it seems as close to certain as anything ever is with this company.

Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini A Good Photoshop Machine

If Apple swaps to its own ARM-based processors, all the discussion so far has been about the technological advantage it would give the company. There's an economic one too —leaving Intel obviously means no longer paying an outside firm. In theory, that could lead to lower prices for consumers.
Apple will not cut its profit margin on any device unless it has to. However, if a move away from Intel significantly reduces the cost of manufacture, it could keep the same margin but substantially reduce the retail price.
It's impossible to estimate by how much it could lower that price but consider the Apple TV. That's an ARM-based Apple computer with 32GB of storage and it costs $169.

Could, would, should

Mac Mini Win7

In the future, Apple will probably have this opportunity to reduce costs by dropping Intel. Today it could reduce costs by saving on parts and cutting options to make a more bare-bones and non-upgradeable Mac mini for education or for the switcher audience it seems to have mostly abandoned with the new Mac mini.
The market appears to be there for a $499 Mac mini, so the the only two questions left is whether Apple wants to enter that price-point again, or is capable of manufacturing a machine for that price. It certainly managed to build them right up to about last Tuesday when it finally replaced the $499 Mac mini with this new design.

Game On Windows With 2018 Mac Mini Ports

Macbook Pro Win 10

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